Thursday, 29 May 2014

#Sweet Project: #SurvivalEdition

Yeah, my #SweetProject is back! Alhamdulillah.. :-) 
But, for now, it's the #SurvivalEdition. Why survival edition? This is because currently there is only my brother and I in the house yawww... My mom and the rest of the siblings went to the wedding of the year. So, there is only both of us in the house. Now, let's get to the point, which is Fried Rice and also Fried Eggs. For Fried Eggs, I just fry the eggs as usual. For now, I want to share the recipe of simple Fried Rice that I made. 

-4 cawan nasi 
- 2 biji bawang merah (ditumbuk)
- 2 ulas bawang putih (ditumbuk)
- Beberapa tangkai cili kering (ditumbuk) 
- Sos cili, sos tomato, kicap (2 sudu besar)
- Sebutir telur
- Secubit garam

Cara membuat:
1. First of all, tumiskan bawang merah, bawang putih & cili kering sampai pecah minyak.  

2. Masukkan kicap, sos tomato & kicap, dan pecahkan sebutir telur.
3. Masukkan nasi & gaulkan kesemuanya.

4. Tambahkan secubit garam untuk sesuaikan rasanya. 

*Enak dinikmati bersama telur goreng atau telur hancur. 

Selamat mencuba..


Sunday, 25 May 2014

#Sweet Project:Prologue #Oreo Paddlepop Ice-Cream #DIY

This is the beginning of my private project, called Sweet Project. 
First and foremost, I start with Oreo Paddlepop Ice-Cream..
Now, let's just go through the recipe below: 

A) 1/2 tin susu pekat
B) 3 cawan susu segar (guna Dutch Lady full cream pun bole)
C) 2 sudu kecil ovellate
D) 2 sudu kecil esen vanila
E) Sedikit pewarna biru, pink, & ungu (utk resepi ni, sy campurkan warna pink n biru)

1) Bahan a,b,c,d blend atau guna  mixer 20 minit. Pastikan adunan menjadi kembang dan gebu..

2) Asingkan ke dalam 4 bekas dan masukkan pewarna..

yg dlm bekas biru tu, sy letak oreo yg dh dihancurkan

3) Tuang ke dalam bekas aiskrim selapis demi selapis hingga habis..

4) Last sekali, simpan dalam peti sejuk.. n done!! 

This is it.. oreo paddlepop ice-cream!!